Garden Basics Vegetable Seed Package with Fresh Vegetables
Green Garden Basics Vegetable Variety Package
Garden Basics Included Seeds. Carrot, Cucumber, Green Been, Lettuce, Onion, Pea, Peppers, Pumpkin, Tomato, Zucchini
Garden Basics Vegetable Seed Package with Fresh Vegetables
Green Garden Basics Vegetable Variety Package
Garden Basics Included Seeds. Carrot, Cucumber, Green Been, Lettuce, Onion, Pea, Peppers, Pumpkin, Tomato, Zucchini

Garden Basics

(Only Available in Canada)

plus applicable taxes
Garden Basics

(Only Available in Canada)


10 Varieties of All Natural Heirloom Vegetable Seeds Value Package

• Some of the easiest vegetables to grow. Carrots, Cucumbers, Green beans, Lettuce, Onions, Peas, Peppers, Pumpkins, Tomatos, Zucchini.

• Perfect for any style garden from small back yard beds and most hydroponic gardens, Raised Garden Bed or Traditional in Ground Garden.

• Non GMO Seeds.

• Grow the Best Garden on the Block with these Top Quality Seeds.

• Eat healthy for less.

• A well thought out variety, that are easy to grow in any moderate climate.

Package Seed Varieties.

Due to supply chain difficulties, some varieties may differ at times as with the Pumpkin and Tomato seeds in this package.

Marketmore 76 NON GMO Cucumber seeds
Scarlett Nantes NON GMO Carrot Seeds
Tenderette NON GMO Green Bean Seeds
Butter Crunch NON GMO Lettuce Seeds
Yellow Utah Sweet Spanish NON GMO Onion Seeds
Sugar Daddy NON GMA Pea Seeds
California Wonder NON GMO Pepper Seeds (Sweet)
Black Beauty NON GMO Zucchini Seeds
Jack O Lantern or Sugar Pie NON GMO Pumpkin Seeds
Pink Beefsteak or Roma NON GMO Tomato Seeds